‘osquery’ ‘DBI’ and ‘dbplyr’ Interface for R
But, so far it seems to work pretty well.
NOTE: You need to install osquery
for this to work.
Read https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ before proceeding.
One of the super cool things abt osquery
is that it works on every major platform so you can use this package to normalize OS-level queries for anything that you may have wanted to do before but didn’t feel like doing b/c you had to handle so many OS foibles.
‘osquery’ https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ is an operating system instrumentation framework for ‘Windows’, ‘OS X (macOS)’, ‘Linux’, and ‘FreeBSD’. The tools make low-level operating system analytics and monitoring both performant and intuitive. A full ‘dbplyr’-compliant ‘DBI’-driver interface is provided facilitating intuitive and tidy analytic idioms.
Pretty much what you’d expect for DBI
and dbplyr
The following functions are implemented:
: List all the logs on our local systemosq_expose_tables
: Return all (or selected) local or remote osquery tables as a named list of dbplyr
: Return all (or selected) local or remote osquery tables as a named list of dbplyr
tibbles## [1] '0.1.0'
## Observations: ??
## Variables: 11
## $ build_distro <chr> "10.12"
## $ build_platform <chr> "darwin"
## $ config_hash <chr> "3bf3bbf3e71f4062ea687875764bb44eb6dc4c31"
## $ config_valid <chr> "1"
## $ extensions <chr> "inactive"
## $ instance_id <chr> "d2961e7f-bbcc-4cb7-b27b-736873256d7a"
## $ pid <chr> "95956"
## $ start_time <chr> "1527702872"
## $ uuid <chr> "3A087DAC-6414-5FA9-9E10-42EE9CED7C25"
## $ version <chr> "3.2.4"
## $ watcher <chr> "-1"
This can work with remote hosts, too:
## <OsqueryConnection>
## src: OsqueryConnection
## tbls: account_policy_data, acpi_tables, ad_config, alf, alf_exceptions, alf_explicit_auths, alf_services, app_schemes,
## apps, apt_sources, arp_cache, asl, augeas, authorization_mechanisms, authorizations, authorized_keys, block_devices,
## browser_plugins, carbon_black_info, carves, certificates, chrome_extensions, cpu_time, cpuid, crashes, crontab, curl,
## curl_certificate, device_file, device_firmware, device_hash, device_partitions, disk_encryption, disk_events,
## dns_resolvers, docker_container_labels, docker_container_mounts, docker_container_networks, docker_container_ports,
## docker_container_processes, docker_container_stats, docker_containers, docker_image_labels, docker_images,
## docker_info, docker_network_labels, docker_networks, docker_version, docker_volume_labels, docker_volumes, etc_hosts,
## etc_protocols, etc_services, event_taps, extended_attributes, fan_speed_sensors, file, file_events, firefox_addons,
## gatekeeper, gatekeeper_approved_apps, groups, hardware_events, hash, homebrew_packages, interface_addresses,
## interface_details, iokit_devicetree, iokit_registry, kernel_extensions, kernel_info, kernel_panics, keychain_acls,
## keychain_items, known_hosts, last, launchd, launchd_overrides, listening_ports, lldp_neighbors, load_average,
## logged_in_users, magic, managed_policies, mounts, nfs_shares, nvram, opera_extensions, os_version, osquery_events,
## osquery_extensions, osquery_flags, osquery_info, osquery_packs, osquery_registry, osquery_schedule, package_bom,
## package_install_history, package_receipts, pci_devices, platform_info, plist, power_sensors, preferences,
## process_envs, process_events, process_memory_map, process_open_files, process_open_sockets, processes,
## prometheus_metrics, python_packages, quicklook_cache, routes, safari_extensions, sandboxes, shared_folders,
## sharing_preferences, shell_history, signature, sip_config, smbios_tables, smc_keys, startup_items, sudoers, suid_bin,
## system_controls, system_info, temperature_sensors, time, time_machine_backups, time_machine_destinations, uptime,
## usb_devices, user_events, user_groups, user_interaction_events, user_ssh_keys, users, virtual_memory_info,
## wifi_networks, wifi_status, wifi_survey, xprotect_entries, xprotect_meta, xprotect_reports, yara, yara_events,
## yum_sources
## New server fingerprint: 37:92:1c:e3:a5:4a:e8:6f:dc:e7:86:00:16:3a:46:5b:b4:9f:df:f1
## <OsqueryConnection>
## <ssh session>
## connected: hrbrmstr@osq1:22
## server: 37:92:1c:e3:a5:4a:e8:6f:dc:e7:86:00:16:3a:46:5b:b4:9f:df:f1
## <ssh session>
## connected: hrbrmstr@osq1:22
## server: 37:92:1c:e3:a5:4a:e8:6f:dc:e7:86:00:16:3a:46:5b:b4:9f:df:f1
## src: OsqueryConnection
## tbls: account_policy_data, acpi_tables, ad_config, alf, alf_exceptions, alf_explicit_auths, alf_services, app_schemes,
## apps, apt_sources, arp_cache, asl, augeas, authorization_mechanisms, authorizations, authorized_keys, block_devices,
## browser_plugins, carbon_black_info, carves, certificates, chrome_extensions, cpu_time, cpuid, crashes, crontab, curl,
## curl_certificate, device_file, device_firmware, device_hash, device_partitions, disk_encryption, disk_events,
## dns_resolvers, docker_container_labels, docker_container_mounts, docker_container_networks, docker_container_ports,
## docker_container_processes, docker_container_stats, docker_containers, docker_image_labels, docker_images,
## docker_info, docker_network_labels, docker_networks, docker_version, docker_volume_labels, docker_volumes, etc_hosts,
## etc_protocols, etc_services, event_taps, extended_attributes, fan_speed_sensors, file, file_events, firefox_addons,
## gatekeeper, gatekeeper_approved_apps, groups, hardware_events, hash, homebrew_packages, interface_addresses,
## interface_details, iokit_devicetree, iokit_registry, kernel_extensions, kernel_info, kernel_panics, keychain_acls,
## keychain_items, known_hosts, last, launchd, launchd_overrides, listening_ports, lldp_neighbors, load_average,
## logged_in_users, magic, managed_policies, mounts, nfs_shares, nvram, opera_extensions, os_version, osquery_events,
## osquery_extensions, osquery_flags, osquery_info, osquery_packs, osquery_registry, osquery_schedule, package_bom,
## package_install_history, package_receipts, pci_devices, platform_info, plist, power_sensors, preferences,
## process_envs, process_events, process_memory_map, process_open_files, process_open_sockets, processes,
## prometheus_metrics, python_packages, quicklook_cache, routes, safari_extensions, sandboxes, shared_folders,
## sharing_preferences, shell_history, signature, sip_config, smbios_tables, smc_keys, startup_items, sudoers, suid_bin,
## system_controls, system_info, temperature_sensors, time, time_machine_backups, time_machine_destinations, uptime,
## usb_devices, user_events, user_groups, user_interaction_events, user_ssh_keys, users, virtual_memory_info,
## wifi_networks, wifi_status, wifi_survey, xprotect_entries, xprotect_meta, xprotect_reports, yara, yara_events,
## yum_sources
## New server fingerprint: f4:b6:c1:28:28:7d:d0:03:92:a3:a5:fe:c3:40:e3:7d:8c:db:71:1a
## <OsqueryConnection>
## <ssh session>
## connected: bob@osq2:22
## server: f4:b6:c1:28:28:7d:d0:03:92:a3:a5:fe:c3:40:e3:7d:8c:db:71:1a
## <ssh session>
## connected: bob@osq2:22
## server: f4:b6:c1:28:28:7d:d0:03:92:a3:a5:fe:c3:40:e3:7d:8c:db:71:1a
## src: OsqueryConnection
## tbls: acpi_tables, apt_sources, arp_cache, augeas, authorized_keys, block_devices, carbon_black_info, carves,
## chrome_extensions, cpu_time, cpuid, crontab, curl, curl_certificate, deb_packages, device_file, device_hash,
## device_partitions, disk_encryption, dns_resolvers, docker_container_labels, docker_container_mounts,
## docker_container_networks, docker_container_ports, docker_container_processes, docker_container_stats,
## docker_containers, docker_image_labels, docker_images, docker_info, docker_network_labels, docker_networks,
## docker_version, docker_volume_labels, docker_volumes, ec2_instance_metadata, ec2_instance_tags, etc_hosts,
## etc_protocols, etc_services, file, file_events, firefox_addons, groups, hardware_events, hash, intel_me_info,
## interface_addresses, interface_details, iptables, kernel_info, kernel_integrity, kernel_modules, known_hosts, last,
## listening_ports, lldp_neighbors, load_average, logged_in_users, magic, md_devices, md_drives, md_personalities,
## memory_devices, memory_info, memory_map, mounts, msr, npm_packages, opera_extensions, os_version, osquery_events,
## osquery_extensions, osquery_flags, osquery_info, osquery_packs, osquery_registry, osquery_schedule, pci_devices,
## platform_info, portage_keywords, portage_packages, portage_use, process_envs, process_events, process_file_events,
## process_memory_map, process_open_files, process_open_sockets, processes, prometheus_metrics, python_packages, routes,
## rpm_package_files, rpm_packages, shadow, shared_memory, shell_history, smbios_tables, socket_events, sudoers,
## suid_bin, syslog_events, system_controls, system_info, time, uptime, usb_devices, user_events, user_groups,
## user_ssh_keys, users, yara, yara_events, yum_sources
## src: OsqueryConnection
## tbls: account_policy_data, acpi_tables, ad_config, alf, alf_exceptions, alf_explicit_auths, alf_services, app_schemes,
## apps, apt_sources, arp_cache, asl, augeas, authorization_mechanisms, authorizations, authorized_keys, block_devices,
## browser_plugins, carbon_black_info, carves, certificates, chrome_extensions, cpu_time, cpuid, crashes, crontab, curl,
## curl_certificate, device_file, device_firmware, device_hash, device_partitions, disk_encryption, disk_events,
## dns_resolvers, docker_container_labels, docker_container_mounts, docker_container_networks, docker_container_ports,
## docker_container_processes, docker_container_stats, docker_containers, docker_image_labels, docker_images,
## docker_info, docker_network_labels, docker_networks, docker_version, docker_volume_labels, docker_volumes, etc_hosts,
## etc_protocols, etc_services, event_taps, extended_attributes, fan_speed_sensors, file, file_events, firefox_addons,
## gatekeeper, gatekeeper_approved_apps, groups, hardware_events, hash, homebrew_packages, interface_addresses,
## interface_details, iokit_devicetree, iokit_registry, kernel_extensions, kernel_info, kernel_panics, keychain_acls,
## keychain_items, known_hosts, last, launchd, launchd_overrides, listening_ports, lldp_neighbors, load_average,
## logged_in_users, magic, managed_policies, mounts, nfs_shares, nvram, opera_extensions, os_version, osquery_events,
## osquery_extensions, osquery_flags, osquery_info, osquery_packs, osquery_registry, osquery_schedule, package_bom,
## package_install_history, package_receipts, pci_devices, platform_info, plist, power_sensors, preferences,
## process_envs, process_events, process_memory_map, process_open_files, process_open_sockets, processes,
## prometheus_metrics, python_packages, quicklook_cache, routes, safari_extensions, sandboxes, shared_folders,
## sharing_preferences, shell_history, signature, sip_config, smbios_tables, smc_keys, startup_items, sudoers, suid_bin,
## system_controls, system_info, temperature_sensors, time, time_machine_backups, time_machine_destinations, uptime,
## usb_devices, user_events, user_groups, user_interaction_events, user_ssh_keys, users, virtual_memory_info,
## wifi_networks, wifi_status, wifi_survey, xprotect_entries, xprotect_meta, xprotect_reports, yara, yara_events,
## yum_sources
## # Source: table<dns_resolvers> [?? x 5]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
## address id netmask options type
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 0 32 1729 nameserver
## 2 1 32 1729 nameserver
## 3 rud.is 0 "" 1729 search
## # Source: lazy query [?? x 2]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
## cmdline total_size
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow console 79962112
## 2 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdwor… 26521600
## 3 /usr/sbin/cfprefsd agent 8904704
## 4 /usr/libexec/lsd 27041792
## 5 /usr/libexec/trustd --agent 39198720
## 6 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent 15196160
## 7 /usr/libexec/secd 26959872
## 8 /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent (Aqua) 9367552
## 9 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter -L 9097216
## 10 /usr/libexec/languageassetd --firstLogin 8486912
## # ... with more rows
## Observations: ??
## Variables: 26
## $ cmdline <chr> "/Applications/FirefoxDeveloperEdition.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox -foreground"
## $ cwd <chr> "/"
## $ disk_bytes_read <chr> "54669312"
## $ disk_bytes_written <chr> "535171072"
## $ egid <chr> "20"
## $ euid <chr> "502"
## $ gid <chr> "20"
## $ name <chr> "firefox"
## $ nice <chr> "0"
## $ on_disk <chr> "1"
## $ parent <chr> "1"
## $ path <chr> "/Applications/FirefoxDeveloperEdition.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox"
## $ pgroup <chr> "94889"
## $ pid <chr> "94889"
## $ resident_size <chr> "1031360512"
## $ root <chr> ""
## $ sgid <chr> "20"
## $ start_time <chr> "1278843"
## $ state <chr> "R"
## $ suid <chr> "502"
## $ system_time <chr> "64813"
## $ threads <chr> "77"
## $ total_size <chr> "762355712"
## $ uid <chr> "502"
## $ user_time <chr> "139677"
## $ wired_size <chr> "0"
see if any processes have no corresponding disk image
## # Source: lazy query [?? x 3]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
(gosh I hope ^^ was empty)
top 10 largest processes by resident memory size
## # Source: lazy query [?? x 4]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
## # Ordered by: desc(resident_size)
## name pid resident_size uid
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 java 54764 4010483712 502
## 2 com.docker.hyperkit 28543 2868359168 502
## 3 rsession 21656 1592000512 502
## 4 firefox 94889 1031344128 502
## 5 QtWebEngineProcess 16108 943153152 502
## 6 Adobe Desktop Service 1242 796278784 502
## 7 kbfs 13741 606306304 502
## 8 Finder 1073 577482752 502
## 9 recentsd 656 505774080 502
## 10 plugin-container 94890 490287104 502
## # ... with more rows
process count for the top 10 most active processes
## # Source: lazy query [?? x 2]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
## # Ordered by: desc(n)
## n name
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 17 MTLCompilerService
## 2 14 mdworker
## 3 9 bash
## 4 8 iTerm2
## 5 7 login
## 6 6 Dropbox
## 7 6 Google Chrome Helper
## 8 5 distnoted
## 9 5 plugin-container
## 10 5 ssh
## # ... with more rows
listen <- tbl(osqdb, "listening_ports")
left_join(procs, listen, by="pid") %>%
filter(port != "") %>%
distinct(name, port, address, pid)
## # Source: lazy query [?? x 4]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
## address name pid port
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword4-helper 67094 6258
## 2 ::1 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword4-helper 67094 6258
## 3 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword4-helper 67094 6263
## 4 ::1 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword4-helper 67094 6263
## 5 "" ARDAgent 494 0
## 6 ARDAgent 494 3283
## 7 "" Adobe CEF Helper 1234 0
## 8 "" Adobe CEF Helper 1294 0
## 9 "" Adobe Desktop Service 1242 0
## 10 Adobe Desktop Service 1242 15292
## # ... with more rows
## # Source: lazy query [?? x 2]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
## filename size
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 hosts 1425159
## # Source: table<users> [?? x 10]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
## description directory gid gid_signed shell uid uid_signed username uuid
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 AMaViS Daemon /var/virusmails 83 83 /usr/bin/false 83 83 _amavisd FFFFEEEE-DDD…
## 2 Analytics Daemon /var/db/analyticsd 263 263 /usr/bin/false 263 263 _analyticsd FFFFEEEE-DDD…
## 3 AppleEvents Daemon /var/empty 55 55 /usr/bin/false 55 55 _appleevents FFFFEEEE-DDD…
## 4 applepay Account /var/db/applepay 260 260 /usr/bin/false 260 260 _applepay FFFFEEEE-DDD…
## 5 Application Owner /var/empty 87 87 /usr/bin/false 87 87 _appowner FFFFEEEE-DDD…
## 6 Application Server /var/empty 79 79 /usr/bin/false 79 79 _appserver FFFFEEEE-DDD…
## 7 Mac App Store Service /var/empty 33 33 /usr/bin/false 33 33 _appstore FFFFEEEE-DDD…
## 8 Apple Remote Desktop /var/empty 67 67 /usr/bin/false 67 67 _ard FFFFEEEE-DDD…
## 9 Asset Cache Service /var/empty 235 235 /usr/bin/false 235 235 _assetcache FFFFEEEE-DDD…
## 10 Astris Services /var/db/astris 245 245 /usr/bin/false 245 245 _astris FFFFEEEE-DDD…
## # ... with more rows
## # Source: table<logged_in_users> [?? x 6]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
## host pid time tty type user
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 "" 128 1526421243 console user hrbrmstr
## 2 "" 16306 1527603827 ttys001 user hrbrmstr
## 3 "" 18733 1527605466 ttys002 user hrbrmstr
## 4 "" 18954 1527606102 ttys003 user hrbrmstr
## 5 "" 21736 1527610627 ttys004 user hrbrmstr
## 6 "" 23855 1527620471 ttys005 user hrbrmstr
## 7 "" 23930 1527620785 ttys006 user hrbrmstr
## 8 "" 72881 1527694548 ttys007 user hrbrmstr
## 9 "" 29637 1527627647 ttys008 dead hrbrmstr
## 10 "" 63892 1526725572 ttys009 dead hrbrmstr
## # ... with more rows
## # Source: table<groups> [?? x 5]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
## gid gid_signed groupname
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 701 701 1
## 2 83 83 _amavisd
## 3 263 263 _analyticsd
## 4 250 250 _analyticsusers
## 5 55 55 _appleevents
## 6 260 260 _applepay
## 7 87 87 _appowner
## 8 81 81 _appserveradm
## 9 79 79 _appserverusr
## 10 33 33 _appstore
## # ... with more rows
## # Source: table<homebrew_packages> [?? x 3]
## # Database: OsqueryConnection
## name path version
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 adns /usr/local/Cellar/adns/ 1.5.1
## 2 alpine /usr/local/Cellar/alpine/ 2.21
## 3 ant /usr/local/Cellar/ant/ 1.10.3
## 4 apache-arrow /usr/local/Cellar/apache-arrow/ 0.9.0
## 5 apache-arrow /usr/local/Cellar/apache-arrow/ 0.9.0_1
## 6 aria2 /usr/local/Cellar/aria2/ 1.33.1
## 7 armadillo /usr/local/Cellar/armadillo/ 8.400.0
## 8 armadillo /usr/local/Cellar/armadillo/ 8.400.1
## 9 armadillo /usr/local/Cellar/armadillo/ 8.500.0_1
## 10 arpack /usr/local/Cellar/arpack/ 3.5.0_1
## # ... with more rows
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