This dataset contains the registry of special address space assignments for IPv4 IP addresses, as set by IANA. It consists of a data.frame containing the columns:

  • address_block: the full IPv4 range (chr) (e.g. "")
  • name: the descriptive name for the special-purpose address block
  • rfc: the Request for Comment (RfC) through which the special-purpose address block was requested
  • allocation_date: the allocation date of the block, stored as YYYY-MM.
  • source: whether an address from the allocated special-purpose address block is valid when used as the source address of an IP datagram that transits two devices (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
  • destination: whether an address from the allocated special-purpose address block is valid when used as the destination address of an IP datagram that transits two devices (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
  • forwardable: whether a router may forward an IP datagram whose destination address is drawn from the allocated special-purpose address block between external interfaces (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
  • global: whether an IP datagram whose destination address is drawn from the allocated special-purpose address block is forwardable beyond a specified administrative domain (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
  • reserved_by_protocol. whether the special-purpose address block is reserved by IP, itself. This value is TRUE if the RFC that created the special-purpose address block requires all compliant IP implementations to behave in a special way when processing packets either to or from addresses contained by the address block, and FALSE otherwise.



A data frame with 256 rows and 5 variables


Last updated 2014-08-07

See also

iana_special_assignments_refresh to refresh this dataset, and iana_assignments for a dataset covering general (non-special) IPv4 assignments.