This function can handle REST API connections or JDBC connections. There is a benefit to calling this function for JDBC connections vs a straight call to dbGetQuery() in that the function result is a `tbl_df` vs a plain data.frame so you get better default printing (which can be helpful if you accidentally execute a query and the result set is huge).

drill_query(drill_con, query, uplift = TRUE, .progress = interactive())



drill server connection object setup by drill_connection() or drill_jdbc())


query to run


automatically run drill_uplift() on the result? (default: TRUE, ignored if drill_con is a JDBCConnection created by drill_jdbc())


if TRUE (default if in an interactive session) then ask httr::POST to display a progress bar


Drill documentation

See also


try({ drill_connection() %>% drill_query("SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json` limit 5") }, silent=TRUE)