The 95–50 and 50–10 wage ratios are representations of the level of inequality within the hourly wage distribution. The larger the ratio, the greater the gap between the top and the middle or the middle and the bottom of the wage distribution.

get_wage_ratios(by = NULL)


NULL or character string with any combination of g (Gender) or r (Race), i.e. if you want to retrieve unemployment data by gender and race, you would set this parameter to "gr".


tbl_df with data filtered by the selected criteria.


  • A 50–10 wage ratio of 1.91 means that workers at the 50th percentile of the wage distribution are paid 1.91 times more per hour than the workers at the 10th percentile.
  • A 95–50 wage ratio of 3.28 means that workers at the 95th percentile of the wage distribution are paid 3.28 times more per hour than the workers at the 50th percentile.



## Not run: ------------------------------------ # get_wage_ratios() # # get_wage_ratios("r") # # get_wage_ratios("gr") ## ---------------------------------------------