The search endpoint allows searches against the current Censys data in the IPv4, Top Million Websites, and Certificates indexes using the same search syntax as the primary site. The endpoint returns a paginated result set of hosts (or websites or certificates) that match the search.
censys_search(index = c("ipv4", "websites", "certificates"), query, page = 1, fields = NULL)
, websites
, or certificates
.80.http.get.headers.server: nginx
" indexed.location.country_code
.list of information about the endpoint
You must have both CENSYS_API_ID
present in the
R environment for the functions in this package to work. It is highly suggested that
you place those in ~/.Renviron
at least for interactive work.
Censys search syntax:; API doc:
## Not run: ------------------------------------ # censys_search("ipv4", "80.http.get.headers.server: Apache", 2, # c("ip", "", "autonomous_system.asn")) ## ---------------------------------------------