censys is an R package interface to the Censys API

Censys is a search engine that enables researchers to ask questions about the hosts and networks that compose the Internet. Censys collects data on hosts and websites through daily ZMap and ZGrab scans of the IPv4 address space, in turn maintaining a database of how hosts and websites are configured. Researchers can interact with this data through a search interface, report builder, and SQL engine.

Censys tutorial.

The following functions are implemented:

  • censys_export_download: Download export job files to a specified directory
  • censys_export_job_status: Get status of a Censys export job
  • censys_get_job_result: Get results of completed Censys SQL query job
  • censys_get_job_status: Get status of a Censys SQL query job
  • censys_query: Issue SQL Queries against the Censys API
  • censys_report: Create aggregate reports on the breakdown of a field in the result set of a query
  • censys_search: Perform queries against Censys data
  • censys_series: List all series that can be queried from the SQL interface
  • censys_series_details: Get details about a series, including the list of tables and schema for the series
  • censys_start_export: Export large datasets and structured records from Censys to JSON or CSV files
  • get_series: Retrieve data on the types of scans Censys regularly performs (“series”).
  • view_document: Retrieve data that Censys has about a specific host, website, or certificate.
  • view_result: Retrieve data on a particular scan “result”
  • view_series: Retrieve data that Censys has about a particular series





# current verison
#> [1] '0.1.0'


res <- censys_query("
SELECT p80.http.get.headers.server, p80.http.get.headers.www_authenticate, location.country, autonomous_system.asn
FROM ipv4.20161206
WHERE REGEXP_MATCH(p80.http.get.headers.server, r'gen[56]')

inf <- censys_get_job_status(res$job_id)

Sys.sleep(10) # giving it some time to process for the README

map(1:3, ~censys_get_job_result(inf$job_id, .)) %>% 
  map(c("rows", "f")) %>% 
  flatten() %>% 
  map("v") %>% 
  map_df(~setNames(as.list(.), c("server", "auth", "geo", "asn"))) %>% 
  count(geo, sort=TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 54 × 2
#>               geo     n
#>             <chr> <int>
#> 1   United States   645
#> 2         Germany   338
#> 3         Vietnam   233
#> 4         Austria   135
#> 5          France   127
#> 6           Japan    77
#> 7  Czech Republic    64
#> 8           Italy    60
#> 9          Russia    57
#> 10         Canada    44
#> # ... with 44 more rows

Test Results


#> [1] "Fri Dec 30 21:53:58 2016"

#> testthat results ========================================================================================================
#> DONE ===================================================================================================================

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