The CDC FluView Portal provides in-season and past seasons' national, regional, and state-level outpatient illness and viral surveillance data from both ILINet (Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network) and WHO/NREVSS (National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System).

ilinet(region = c("national", "hhs", "census", "state"), years = NULL)



one of "national", "hhs", "census", or "state"


a vector of years to retrieve data for (i.e. 2014 for CDC flu season 2014-2015). CDC has data for this API going back to 1997. Default value (NULL) means retrieve all years. NOTE: if you happen to specify a 2-digit season value (i.e. 57 == 2017-2018) the function is smart enough to retrieve by season ID vs convert that to a year.


This function retrieves current and historical ILINet surveillance data for the identified region.



national_ili <- ilinet("national", years = 2017)
# NOT RUN { hhs_ili <- ilinet("hhs") census_ili <- ilinet("census") state_ili <- ilinet("state") all_ili <- suppressWarnings( suppressMessages(purrr::map_df(c("national", "hhs", "census", "state"), ilinet))) # }