Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza Hospitalizations

hospitalizations(surveillance_area = c("flusurv", "eip", "ihsp"),
  region = "all", years = NULL)



one of "flusurv", "eip", or "ihsp"


Using "all" mimics selecting "Entire Network" from the CDC FluView application drop down. Individual regions for each surveillance area can also be selected. Use surveillance_areas() to see a list of valid sub-regions for each surveillance area.


a vector of years to retrieve data for (i.e. 2014 for CDC flu season 2014-2015). CDC has data for this API going back to 2009 and up until the previous flu season. Default value (NULL) means retrieve all years. NOTE: if you happen to specify a 2-digit season value (i.e. 56 == 2016-2017) the function is smart enough to retrieve by season ID vs convert that to a year.



hosp_fs <- hospitalizations("flusurv", years=2015)
# NOT RUN { hosp_eip <- hospitalizations("eip") hosp_ihsp <- hospitalizations("ihsp") # }