Uses the data source from the CDC' State-levelFluView and provides state flu reporting data as a single data frame.

This function provides similar data to get_weekly_flu_report but provides more metadata about the reporting sources and has access to more historical infomation.

get_state_data(years = as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")))



a vector of years to retrieve data for (i.e. 2014 for CDC flu season 2014-2015). Default value is the current year and all years values should be >= 2008


A data.frame of state-level data for the specified seasons (also classed as cdcstatedata)


There is often a noticeable delay when making the API request to the CDC. This is not due to a large download size, but the time it takes for their servers to crunch the data. Wrap the function call in httr::with_verbose if you would like to see what's going on.


state_data <- get_state_data(2014)
#> This function has been deprecated and will be removed in future releases. #> Use ili_weekly_activity_indicators() instead.
# NOT RUN { gsd <- get_state_data(c(2013, 2014)) gsd <- get_state_data(2010:2014) # }